PD Design Studio

A Game Development, Multimedia Studio

Water Wally E-Games

Water Wally e-Games is aim at spreading water conservation awareness. Targeted at primary school children, a simple comic strip was used to engage them. There's a highscore system and lucky draw system that allows all participants to win prizes.


Singapory is an interactive boardgame for primary school children. They get to play through 5 important eras of Singapore's history. The game master has the ability to change the question list with a built-in editor.

MPA: Interactive Guide

Developed for the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, the project is an interactive guide to bunkering in Singapore, targeted towards industry use. It was launched at an industry event by the Transport Minister.

Docomo InterTouch

This project is an interactive website that demonstrates the services Docomo InterTouch provides to its customers. Users are able to interact with the demos to have a feel of how the actual services work.


International Friendship Day consists of 2 components, an interactive site and an interactive game. Users can go through the site to learn about the 10 ASEAN countries and then take on the trivia in the game segment. Modeled after "How to be a Millionaire", one can use the 3 lifelines for help.


Cubican is a prototype. The game bases its core mechanic on the Rubik's Cube. Players are supposed to rotate and find a clear path to collect items and reach an objective.

Georgette Chen

Georgette Chen was an interactive project done for the launch of her exhibition at the Singapore Art Museum. It includes a gallery of her art works, letters she wrote personally and articles about her. Throught the interactive piece, users can find out more about her life and works.

Go Smoke-Free

Go Smoke-Free is a prototype digital boardgame filled with mini-games. You play through the a series of event and complete mini-games to move ahead.